Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^EarlyM$
Year : 2010
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Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Vanscheeuwijck, MarcRecent re-evaluations of the Baroque cello and what they might mean for performing the music of J.S. Bach [BWV 6, 41, 49, 68, 71, 85, 175, 180, 183, 1007-1012] EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 181-192
2. Nicholson, GrahamThe unnatural trumpet. EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 193-202
3. Madeuf, Jean-FrançoisThe revival of the natural trumpet in the Baroque repertory: utopian or not? EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 203-204
4. Vervliet, Stijn; Van Looy, BartBach's chorus revisited: Historically informed performance practice as 'bounded creativity' EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 205-213
5. Glöckner, AndreasOn the performing forces of Johann Sebastian Bach's Leipzig church music. [adapted from a paper given the 2008 Leuven Bach Symposium] EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 215-222
6. Parrott, AndrewBach's chorus: the Leipzig line - A response to Andreas Glöckner. EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 223-235
7. Webber, GeoffreyBuxtehude's Praeludia and the sonata publications of Corelli. EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 249-261
8. Kuijken, SigiswaldA Bach odyssey Performing Matters. EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 263-272
9. Robinson, LucyCanonic Bach for viols. EarlyM 38 2 May 2010 310-313
10. Rifkin, JoshuaBach's chorus: Against the wall. [response to A. Glöckner, 'On the performing forces of Johann Sebastian Bach's Leipzig church music', EarlyM 38/2 (2010), 215-222.] EarlyM 38 3 Aug 2010 437-439
11. Fábián, Dorottya; Schubert, EmeryA new perspective on the performance of dotted rhythms. Observations. [BWV 988 var.7] EarlyM 38 4 Nov 2010 585-588

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita